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If you have ever had your period being late because you were in a stressful time in your life you have experienced firsthand how your fertility is linked to stress. As a woman, it can get hard to navigate life’s changes, with all of its ups and downs and have it not affect your fertility. But, there is no need to worry as our female body is very resilient and capable of healing and restoration.


Learning how to cope with challenges can be helpful with overall health, and with that also fertility. On top of that, being involved in fertility treatment can itself be a very big challenge as much as it is a rewarding experience. Being able to deal with the uncertainty of the IVF process may require you to learn some new techniques, but it is important to remember there is always help or support with fertility treatment service by Amelia Genesis that provides comprehensive assistance without the need for traditional clinics. So, know that you are not alone on your journey. Feelings of disconnection, loneliness and despair are not uncommon when you have  fertility issues. Reach out to friends and family who understand you. And it can also be very beneficial to have individuals in your life who have gone through the same thing.


The mind-body connection is a powerful one and in this case, is represented with the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis. Hormones that are secreted from parts of the brain directly affect the function of your ovaries. That is why it is very important to keep the stress to a minimum when trying to conceive. 


There are some mindfulness and stress reduction techniques you can do that can help your body and fertility whether you are going through treatment for infertility(IVF) or trying to achieve natural pregnancy. So, here they are:



Meditation can be one of the most powerful tools that can reduce stress and teach you how to be mindful and present in your everyday life. Whether you choose to do a simple meditation combined with breathing exercises or guided meditations that are specified to help with fertility the results can be very successful. Meditation has been proven to lower the stress that you experience throughout your life even if you do not do it regularly. My advice is that you focus on quality rather than quantity when it comes to this practice.



Yoga is mindfulness combined with movement so with it, you get the best of both worlds. When doing yoga you should be focused on your breathing while doing the poses and just noticing what happens in your body. This can also help with noticing your emotions and when we notice them we get to better regulate them and not let them run our lives. 


Progressive muscle relaxation

This is a technique that can help your muscles and body relax which will also lead to a relaxed mind. You can start doing the exercise from top to down or vice versa. This is a very simple technique and will not take much of your time. You will just need to lay in bed and start contracting a muscle group while taking a deep breath and counting to 10. After you have finished counting you just release the contraction, rest for 10 seconds and start with the next muscle group. Don’t be surprised if you fall asleep during the exercise, as it is that relaxing!


Writing a gratitude journal

When things get tough we need to remind ourselves of all of the good things we have in our lives and if things are going well then take note of it. The best time to write a gratitude journal is up to you. You can choose to start or end your day with it, or why not do both! Pick a nice journal or a simple notebook and write down at least three things you are grateful for. I promise you that with each day passed you will find even more to be grateful for. 


Massage therapy

A whole-body relaxation massage is a good stress reliever, and it also improves blood circulation which can help hormonal balance. The effect on the mind is very beneficial as well as we tend to not think much and relax during a massage. But did you know that there are self massages aimed at improving fertility? Even though there is limited research, they are worth trying. The best thing is that you can do them in the comfort of your home, but it is important to note that you need to stop doing them as soon as you get pregnant.



We have covered some of the mindfulness and relaxation techniques that are linked with lowering the stress hormone cortisol and can improve fertility. There are many more things that you can do such as: guided imagery and visualization, walking and hiking, chi gong and tai chi, finding humor in everyday situations, cognitive and behavioral techniques,self-nurturing and treating yourself, using affirmations aimed at improving fertility, etc.  We have also said that having support and help is crucial in not feeling alone in the process of trying to achieve pregnancy. With all of this said I hope you have restored your faith in your body’s ability to achieve and carry on a healthy pregnancy. 


Sunshine Blessings